U8 5. The difference between Lithuanian and Western European families. The main difference between our and Western European families is that we are much more closer to each other. In Lithuania, we leave our parents home later than Western Europeans. Also, Western Europeans have more social guarantees than Lithuanians, so they can feel more independent and separate from their parents earlier.
As our parents support us longer than in the Western Europe, we feel more thankful to them, and we don’t send them to Old Men Asylum when they grow old.
Anglų kalba
Anglų kalba yra populiariausia pasaulyje.
Raudongalvių lyga, trys studentai atpasakojimai
Raudongalvių lyga. Ši knyga yra apie du Šerloko Homso nuotykius. Pirma istorija apie keistą nuotykį ponui Wilsonui. Žmonių grupė pasivadinusi Raudongalvių lyga pasamdė dirbti poną Wilsoną, kad tuo metu kai Wilsonas dirbs jam nežinant pasinaudotu jo namu. Lyga norėjo iškasti tunelį nuo vilsono namo iki netoliese esančio banko, kurį norėjo apiplėšti. Ponas Homsas ir jo draugas Watsonas padėjo išsiaiškinti šį nusikaltimą ir sučiupti nusikaltėlius.
Language Learning
There were many events in Lithuania last autumn celebrating the European Year of Languages. What are the advantages to learning languages? What are some of the most widely spoken languages in Europe? What are the advantages of learning English? Is it easy or difficult to learn a second language? Why? Did you or your school do anything for the European Year of Languages? Explain.
Good-bye TV
Imagine that you haven’t got a TV at home. How long could you live without it? What TV programmes would you miss most? How would your life be different? Would you enjoy this new life? What would you do instead of sitting in front of the “talking box”?
Career Talk
Speak about the career choise of a close relative (mother, father, brother, uncle, etc.) or an older friend. Is it type of career you would like? What are the advantages and disadvantages of that career. What education is needed for that career?